Volunteer Highlight // Robert Ho

The AFY garden program thanks all of the parent and staff volunteers who have made the program what it is this year. I’d like to take this entry to especially highlight the volunteer effort of 4th grade parent, Robert Ho, for helping our garden program on his spare time this year. Robert has taken time this Spring to make our new roof on the shed more waterproof by applying two layers of primer on it. He has also used his skills to help us revamp our 3-bin composter with new secure tops and reinforced frames. No longer will we have to worry about the frame breaking, nails sticking out, and lids flying away in the wind. Much appreciation for all the volunteer hours that Robert has put into our garden.

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4 Responses to Volunteer Highlight // Robert Ho

  1. Jade says:

    Yay, Robert! Thanks for all your great work.


  2. Ryan Johnson says:

    Thanks very much for helping out, Robert. I am a big support of the Garden program’s value for the children. I will be there for the Garden Work Day this Sunday!


  3. Deborah says:

    Thank you Robert for your hard work and dedication for our school garden!


  4. Lillian says:

    Thanks so much, Robert! Just in time for the AFY Garden Party in May!


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